High Level Programming with C++ and Digital Interfacing [A Simple Laboratory Experiment]

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Laboratory Experiment 1: High Level Programming with C++ and Digital Interfacing Abstract The prospect of interfacing a physical digital device with the use of software, and affecting the output of software with a physical digital device was investigated. The computers were fitted with ports which were connected to a digital device, which were not part of the computer itself. Software on the computer was used to test weather or not the digital device could be manipulated …

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…B...........C -------------------------- 10100 1101M 20110 0001a 30110 1001i 40111 0111w 50110 0001a 60110 1110n 70110 0100d As shown in the table above, the program output the correct binary sequence to represent each character. Analysis & Discussion The results of the experiment illustrate that it is not only is it possible to interface a digital physical device but software can be used to control how the device behaves and in turn software can be manipulated by the use of such physical devices.